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Why you need to join Community? ..


People are often seduced by flashy advertisements and articles on the latest and greatest gear and training. But without mindset and psychology, they are only scratching the veneer of ta
ctical shooting. Shooting starts in the mind. In our community you'll learn not only the "how" and the "what" of shooting, but the "why". Understanding how the body reacts in high stress (realistic situations) and incorporating those responses into training, vastly increases a shooter's survivability rate. Our vision and mission are based around what works 98 percent of the time, in any “time-is-life” situation or scenario you may find yourself in but still we keep always play with fun.

"When you
play" Do sportsmanship expresses an aspiration or ethos that the activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. Being a "good sport" involves being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser"

don't be like a superman because your not!

There are many type of game scenario we can play, such as Close Quarters Battle (CQB), Frontal game, Reenactment (taken from history or movies scenario), hunting game and much more.

From there we can learned Principles of assault like the detailed planning, surprise element, Methods of entry when clearing a building scenario, Speed and sure enough, some teamwork.

What do you need to bring?

Some of my
friend say this such avocation need a high price of money to buy. for example one AEG you can brought for Rp2.juta (for specific brand). The more it expensive money can buy, then more it well built the AEG's will be, more over is not going to be "in" the game minded if you doesn't pack up your gears with such military grunts all over your body, and not forgetting all of that dummy equipment hanging. But not entirely of that statement wrong though, what we going to offer to you might be not only a material point of view but more to teaching and learning and how you can get interact with your surrounding and also a learning process to how to manage your self in stress situation. Winning or losing the game just another way of process

You'll be more confidence and feel proud of your self when you know your limit.