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RRTS military weapons

Setiap senjata yang digunakan oleh Rapid Response Tactical Squad disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan orang yang menggunakannya. Dalam bagian ini kita akan melihat senjata tiap unit yang dibuat untuk masing-masing karakter serta persenjataan peledak mereka seperti granat ST dan ranjau2 canggih, senjata sekunder yg dibawa di sisi badan dan juga jenis pisau mereka.

Reaper's Rifle based gun G36C

Senjata ini terdiri dari 5 bagian terpisah:
Popor, terbuat dari karet atau dalam contoh ini, busa poliuretan keras / resin campuran, yang menggantikan popor G36C lipat asli.

-G36C ini memiliki optik ganda cary handle dan flash hidder diganti dengan sebuah ekstensi barel baja. Magazine memiliki cover tambahan untuk mengubah penampilan, dan pistol grip terbuat dari bahan karet yang nyaman saat di pegang dan mengunakan 'pembaca sidik jari' untuk safety-nya.

samping, terbuat dari aluminium dan dilengkapi dengan sistem elektronik untuk mengaktifkan lampu dan panel display, yang diaktifkan oleh baterai 9V.

Bagian depan barel terbuat dari aluminium tempa dengan kerangka internal yang cocok di pasang di G36. Di tambah lagi dengan Millenium M3 senter taktis dengan switch.

-Top cover, melindungi operator dari hentakan senapan dan juga untuk melindungi panel senter. Dalam komponen ini juga digunakan untuk pemasangan loop sling depan.

RRTS Sniper Rifle


XS21 Ruger

SX80 - M41A - BSG RF1

Semua tergantung dari kebutuhan si operator dalam penggunaannya di lapangan.

Accuracy Pneumatics Shooting (APS) NEW LINER AEG PRODUCT

APS AK Tactical Full steel
Bukan cuma Gas Powered Airsoft saja yang bisa mempunyai efek Blow back, namun sekarang telah diciptakan efek ke realisasian sebuah mainan airsoft dengan menggunakan motor penggerak, dan yang pasti tidak perlu repot repot lagi mengisi gas, APS mengeluarkan produknya dengan harga yang sangat reliable atau terjangkau, tidak semahal harga GBBR ataupun yang sejenis dengan brand lainnya. Yang pasti All Full Metal!!!

APS Magpul M4 ACS
APS AIRGUN sebelumnya dikenal sebagai APS Paintball Ltd didirikan pada tahun 2001. APS mengkhususkan diri dalam merancang dan membangun Peralatan Simulasi dan Pelatihan.
Dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang telah diperoleh dari membuat Real Action Markers dan Proyektil, APS telah meluncurkan lini produk baru - Electronic Blow Back (BB) produk untuk memacu Airsoft Pasar saat ini.

Meskipun produk airsoft kami dibuat di Cina, semua desain, pengawasan mutu dan Dewan Direksi dikelola oleh Hong Kong Staf. Itu berarti klien kami dapat membeli produk airsoft dengan harga rendah (Made in China) tetapi juga dijamin barang berkualitas tinggi (Hong Kong Terlibat dalam Produksi).

Sudahkah dijual di pasaran airsoft Indonesia?? semoga harga dan kwalitas disenangi oleh para pecinta ersop. (Please search this product on internet)

King Arms SIG 556 HOLO Blowback AEG

The 556 is based on the popular 550-series design of SIG’s sister company, Swiss Arms. The 550 series uses Swiss Arms’ two-position adjustable gas-piston operating-rod system, which is known for its unflappable reliability. The key? Unlike the AR-15’s direct-gas-impingement system, the 550 series’ piston-driven system vents gases and unburned powder out to the front of the weapon rather than back into the action. This results in a cleaner, cooler-running system that is more reliable and easier to clean. Piston-driven systems are also less fickle with short barrels and suppressors, which means the 556 can easily be made into a short-barreled rifle (with the proper paperwork) or adapted to suppressor use.

King Arms SIG 556 HOLO Review 01


One notable deviation from the 550 series is the 556’s trigger housing, which accepts standard AR-15 magazines. The new design is machined from an aircraft-grade aluminum-alloy forging, which shaves a pound of weight from the original design. The trigger guard swings down for gloved use.

But SIG did more than update the 550 series’ trigger housing when it designed the new 556. First, as much as I like the 550’s diopter sights, SIG ditched them for a lighter, more compact flip-up design. The front sits atop the gas block, and the rear is recessed into the integral Picatinny rail.

Airsoft Replica

Receiver Body terbuat dari Full Metal dengan rel Picatinny sekrup-di atas tidak seperti kebanyakan model AEG AR rel yang terintegrasi dengan body. Sisi kiri atas receiver memiliki marking yang berbunyi "SIG 556 5,56 NATO, SIGARMS INC, Exeter, NH, USA". Di sisi kanan penerima, ada beberapa kumpulan angka yang ditandai pada penutup port ejeksi yang kemungkinan King Arms serial number. Semua bagian logam dari pistol dilabur warna hitam matt yang sesuai dengan warna matt dari furnitur serat nilon dari senapan.

Tidak adanya mekanisme pemegang bolt catch membuat susahnya saat anda ingin mengatur hop up . Ini berarti bahwa Anda harus menahan ejector port terbuka untuk mengakses hop-up seperti yang terlihat pada foto. Metode ini hampir mirip dengan AEG di pasar saat ini. The blowback mekanis dapat dinonaktifkan dengan sedikit modifikasi tanpa membuka gearbox. Mag realease terletak di sisi kanan receiver dan mirip dengan AR AEG's.

Bolt catch

Fire selector switch

Full Metal

Product from King Arms SIG 556 HOLO


PLAY_FAST mengadakan acara "Nonton Bareng Bola" seru seruan bareng teman-teman Community. yang ingin datang ke acara dapat langsung menghubungi PF di nomer:
7647248 atau 7007014 untuk segera memesan tempat (terbatas).

Acara diadakan di lantai 3 Ruko, LIVE OPENING CEREMONY Big Screen (Layar lebar) tanggal 11 Juni* dan jadwal2 lainnya dapat dilihat di Buletinboard Cafe.

"Goeie dag and Welkom"

JUAL RC dll.

Set of TT01 - Rp (Nego)
Set of FUTABA 2PL 2-Channel AM/2 S3003 Servos


Chassis: TT-01 plastic tub design Drive: Four wheel shaft driven Shocks: Plastic bodied friction type Gearboxes: Sealed Differentials: Planetary gear Transmission: Single-speed Light Unit: TLU-01, head and tail lights turn on automatically when car is switched ON Tires: Radial racing, 1" (26mm) wide 2" (50.8mm) inner diameter Wheels: 5-spoke plastic Black in color, 1" (25.4mm) wide 1.9" (48mm) diameter Speed Control: TEU-101 BK with reverse, Body: 2-door coupe, constructed of polycarbonate also includes wing, mirrors head light and tail light detail Bumper: Front foam Suspension: Four wheel independent double wishbone Camber Tie Rods: Fixed, non-adjustable Steering Tie Rods: Fixed, non-adjustable Steering: Bellcrank type

This is the Futaba 2PL AM Computer Radio system with two S3003 Servos
and the R152JE Receiver.

FEATURES: One-button programming for fast and easy menu access
Ten model memory stores and selects preset programming for up to ten
different models
One trim switch allows setting and adjusting trims without returning
to the menu
Steering dual rate strategically located on the grip close to the
trigger offers more mid-range control, crucial when cars are going
into corners
Steering/Throttle End Point Adjustment (EPA) limits servo travel for
more control and to prevent servo damage
ABS braking initiates ON and OFF pulsing for less skidding and can be
set for slow, mid, or fast pulsing
One Year Warranty

INCLUDES: One 2PL Magnum Transmitter with crystal
One R152JE receiver with crystal
Two S3003 Standard Servos with installed X style servo horns.
One Switch Harness
Two Servo Accessory packs
One 4-cell Receiver battery holder
Instruction Manual

REQUIRES: 8 AA NiCds for the transmitter
4 AA NiCds for the receiver (order 1 FUGP7300)

SPECS: S3003 Servo
Speed: .23 sec/60° @ 4.8V or .19 sec/60° @ 6V
Torque: 44.3 oz-in @ 4.8V or 56.8 oz-in @ 6V
Size: 1.59"L x .78"W x 1.42"H (40.4x19.8x36mm) w/o output
Weight: 1.31oz (37.2g)
Connector: "J" type with approx. 5" lead
R152JE Receiver
Length: 1.65" (42mm) Receiving Frequency: 75MHz
Width: 1.10" (28mm) Intermediate Frequency: 455kHz
Height: .67" (17mm) Power Requirement: 4.8-6V shared w/servo
Weight: .59oz (16.7g) Current Drain 12mA (at No signal)

- TAMIYA RS540 SPORT TUNED 49/62 - Rp 700.000

You need to know

Why you need to join Community? ..


People are often seduced by flashy advertisements and articles on the latest and greatest gear and training. But without mindset and psychology, they are only scratching the veneer of ta
ctical shooting. Shooting starts in the mind. In our community you'll learn not only the "how" and the "what" of shooting, but the "why". Understanding how the body reacts in high stress (realistic situations) and incorporating those responses into training, vastly increases a shooter's survivability rate. Our vision and mission are based around what works 98 percent of the time, in any “time-is-life” situation or scenario you may find yourself in but still we keep always play with fun.

"When you
play" Do sportsmanship expresses an aspiration or ethos that the activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. Being a "good sport" involves being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser"

don't be like a superman because your not!

There are many type of game scenario we can play, such as Close Quarters Battle (CQB), Frontal game, Reenactment (taken from history or movies scenario), hunting game and much more.

From there we can learned Principles of assault like the detailed planning, surprise element, Methods of entry when clearing a building scenario, Speed and sure enough, some teamwork.

What do you need to bring?

Some of my
friend say this such avocation need a high price of money to buy. for example one AEG you can brought for Rp2.juta (for specific brand). The more it expensive money can buy, then more it well built the AEG's will be, more over is not going to be "in" the game minded if you doesn't pack up your gears with such military grunts all over your body, and not forgetting all of that dummy equipment hanging. But not entirely of that statement wrong though, what we going to offer to you might be not only a material point of view but more to teaching and learning and how you can get interact with your surrounding and also a learning process to how to manage your self in stress situation. Winning or losing the game just another way of process

You'll be more confidence and feel proud of your self when you know your limit.

PDW more less effective?

What do you know about PDW?
personal defense weapon or as known as PDW is a compact semi-automatic or fully-automatic firearm similar in most respects to a submachine gun, but firing an (often proprietary) armor-piercing round, giving a PDW better range, accuracy and armor-penetrating capability than submachine guns, which fire pistol-caliber cartridges.

PDWs were developed during the late 1980s for non-combatant troops as compact automatic weapons that could defeat enemy body armor. The earliest PDWs marketed as such were the Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW and the GG-95 PDW.

as their smaller size and lighter weight would be less of an encumbrance to a person whose primary function on the battlefield was not frontline fighting.


Typical PDWs use small-caliber, high-velocity pistol bullets similar to miniaturized rifle rounds, which are capable of penetrating soft body armor up to Level IIIA (ballistic armor level). PDWs are otherwise similar to submachine guns in most respects, and are often classified as such.

Modern personal defense weapons

  • Knight's Armament Company PDW - (6x35mm KAC)

Hope it can change your Heavy loaded weapon fanaticism... it's all about functionality and simplicity. Keep on shooting guy's.

Army Armament R85A1 (L85A1) Celcius

The Army L85A1 is by far the most economical L85 airsoft replica available on the market. The receiver and barrel assembly are constructed from metal.

The pistol grip, cheek rest, hand guard, and butt pad are olive drab polymer. The carry handle and front sight are both removable for the addition of an optics unit. And, it comes ready to use with a battery,

charger, sling, and high capacity magazine. The Army L85 even features a replica gas piston rod and a functional dust cover.

The L85 also has a unique functioning blow back system. The bolt actually blows back when the trigger is pulled. This feature alone makes the Army L85 A1 a collectors item, experienced players will truly appreciate this collectors piece.

Manufacturer: Army
Gearbox: custom
Accuracy: 100 feet
Muzzle Velocity: 350-400 fps
Magazine Capacity: 450 rounds (M4 Type)
Battery Pack Size: custom battery pack with large connector
Package Includes: Airsoft Gun, High Capacity Magazine, Manual

Full Metal Receiver

Polymer Cheek Rest

Bolt Assembly

Functional Dust Cover

Replica Gas Piston
Metal Barrel Assembly
Olive Drab Polymer Furniture
450 Round High Capacity Magazine

Mint Ice Skirmis

Just another action in another epic scenario, 07.00 hr We're start to gather at first gathering point on Rumbai North gate and the tour From Rumbai Camp through the long way trip of Minas bypass without any sophisticated matter. 11.35 hr Second post stop point: Minas camp called "the abandoned Barrack", was one of the place Minas Airsoft community like to used for any of Airsoft games. We were so lucky can joined in the game, so here is the deal: more than 20 personnel who joined the battle, Location screening with no harmful object prevent for any injured and worst case scenario. and with a lot of time for Dressing and fashion..maybe that was one of our bad habits

and a little nap for waking up morning revenge!

Sleep like a Prince

12.00 hr Lunch and Photo session..
12.45 hr The war is just begun!

Introducing Our Community Re-born

Pekanbaru Action Air Community
P.A.A.C as one of Airsofter Community in Pekanbaru.
Like you to joined and become your alternatives sporting games and hobbiest!

BC: PLAY_FAST Cafe and shooting games
Jl.Pala Raya 330 Ruko lt 2, Soekarno Hatta-Pekanbaru